The Last Great Brand!
In the very beginning, God created human.
Then He gave him the power to form things. The man used this power to create “the brand”.
But what he created was so strong that, it has made its creator rich or poor.
So maverick it was, its creator has begged others’ help to control it.
And so cunning it was that it took lives of the innocent.
However, there has been the one, which is superior to all. The almighty.
It has been the faultless, the immortal. Then one day, Orhan Gazi, has started to jot down its features. And he called it “The Last Great Brand!”.
Orhan Gazi
One day he realized the existence of all the brands in his life. When he was done with realizing, he admired the way they entered his life. When he was done with admiring times, he has started to think about them. He understood some concepts but it was never enough.
Thus after high school education in Italy, he went to Erasmus University Rotterdam to study International Business Administration in Netherlands.
Every day he stared at the dozens of brands, which were carried in the port of Rotterdam, over the bridge Erasmusbrug. He has read, written and read about them again and again.
Then one year after, he enrolled to Business Administration of Bilkent University, Turkey.
Those were the days he decided to be a marketer.
He decided to tell about the concepts he understands and understand the ones he admires.
And Orhan Gazi has started to jot down “The Last Great Brand!”